Settembrino: an exceptional olive oil

An extraordinary setting on Sicilian soil

It is in Fontanasalsa, on the outskirts of Trapani, that Alberto Galluffo has taken up residence to coax his olive trees . It must be recognized that the choice of location is rather judicious. You just have to look up to see, to the north, the famous town of Erice, an ancient fortress from Antiquity, perched on the Trapanese heights. On the shore, the oldest salt marshes in Europe fascinate tourists. In a magical atmosphere, they gather at nightfall to observe the sunset, caressing the fine salt pools , and making pastel pink and orange colors appear on their surface. Without finally forgetting the perfect balance between the sun, omnipresent in Sicily, and the wind, coming from North Africa, which we call Siroco, bringing freshness and ventilation to the fruit trees.

Everything is there so that the olive trees can grow in the best possible conditions.

The artist and his masterpiece

But these predispositions are not enough to produce good oil . For the magic to work, we must also count on the talent of a man, capable of taking advantage of what mother nature offers him. When we talk about olive oil , it is the senses that we must know how to stimulate: scent, texture, taste, color... and in this matter, we can say that Alberto has mastered the art! To make an exceptional olive oil , however, you must add a touch of madness, the unexpected, which will make the work a masterpiece. Alberto's genius was to imagine an early harvest of olives , at the beginning of September, or even the end of August, when this usually takes place between October and November. In fact, it is an ancestral method which was already used by the first producers in the region, but the custom gradually disappeared due to its complexity and poor yield, thus slowing down its marketing and limiting growers to personal consumption. But it is this bold and risky choice that gives all its particularities to his creation: the olio d'oliva Settembrino . Indeed, due to their premature state, the flavor of the olives is much more pronounced , which is why it is essential to master the art of dosage between each cultivar, in order to bring the perfect balance to the blend. . In Alberto's olive trees , cerasuola , biancolilla and nocellara del belice are the dominant species, all autochthonous . The result is surprising, the effect on the palate striking. This is not to mention its unique color, an opaque glass, which makes this product unique.

A production and limited series MORI's

Like any exceptional product, it is rare and sensitive. The limited time constraints of the harvest condition the harvest volume, and complicate the choices of adjustment between each cultivar. Thus, each year, Alberto ensures the production of only 250 bottles intended for the European market, for which MORI’s has commercial exclusivity . Whether at the table of our restaurant, or on our online store , we make you enjoy this unique product, which will enhance your plates, or stand alone, at home, on a piece of toast. .

Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel Mondo 2019
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Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel Mondo 2019


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