Our establishment strives to offer environmentally friendly cuisine.
This commitment has led us to recently obtain two Ecotable “macaroons”. This eco-label is awarded to restaurants which follow a sustainable cooking approach based on criteria such as supply, seasonality, health, ethics & social issues, or even waste and energy management.
Here are some key elements of our actions.
The seasonality of raw materials is respected. More than 50% of our products are sustainable and come from short circuits, according to Ecotable criteria. The establishment follows the Ethic Ocean charter to select seafood products based on essential criteria such as fishing zone, stock status and fishing gear. The veal is certified High Environmental Value (breeding under the mother) and is transported directly by our producer in Hauts-de-France.
Finally, we source directly from small producers or Italian cooperatives for the choice of products with high added value. To learn more, click here .
The establishment
The menu offers several vegetarian and vegan choices and changes daily.
Organic waste is collected and recycled by a specialized service provider.
Some of our tableware and furniture comes from local crafts, such as our Marquise Mori.
An audit ( Food index for Good ) was carried out to diagnose our energy footprint and investments are underway to reduce it.
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